
All about the Mama...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In the Vine

My psyche is a colorful place.  I hope you will enjoy reading the tales of my inner and outer adventures as I embark on a new branch of my life's journey.

This blog is a place for me to spill thoughts and make interesting word-y messes, untangle and weave idea webs and create castles in the sky and roots for them in the earth.  I'm gonna see if I can put the inner metaphors and outer realaphors into the same storytelling blog...

It's been a wonderful two years of wild adventures.  I've wandered like a nomad from ideas and places that used to seem utterly fixed in stone, and it has been liberating indeed.  I've learned that nothing is fixed in stone, except our thought forms and maybe the law of gravity.  And I've also learned that to accept the anomie, the loose ends inherent in this whirled, I can begin to catch a glimpse of the seamless unity that lurks in the connectedness of all things.  Always a valley before a hill, always a night before a dawn...  This is my inner experiment: to bring light (to "enlighten") all of the dense and darkened corners of my psyche.  As Jung said, "Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light, but making the darkness conscious."

In my external direction, this took the form of purposely placing myself in uncomfortable situations, like the Hanged One in tarot, to challenge myself and hopefully grow.  Last year on Yah B'Shvat (Tu B'Shvat - the jewish new year for Trees), I set an intention for myself that I would release my Judgemental nature.  Every day that I walked to work here in Austin, TX at a frame shop / art gallery, I passed a car (not-so-coincidentally the same model I used to drive in San Anton' two years ago), with a bumper sticker that said "Prejudice rarely survives experience."  And this is what I was after: Wisdom, which is rooted in Experience. I wanted to experience life, experience being human, to a fuller extent than I had before..  to break down the jericho walls of my own cloistered heart, and stand with two feet on the ground, where I could feel the earth's heartbeat connect me to every human and creature and tree.

But I have so much to learn!  The more I know, the more I know I do not know!  So I keep at it, a fool, a novice, on the path of Love.


And now I am taking the leap into the greatest journey yet:  I am moving to Israel in a few weeks, where I plan to learn hebrew, learn arabic, love my family, dance with other open-hearted Lovers and Friends, and become more fully responsible for myself in both artistic and practical ways.  I want this blog to continue to connect us, heart-to-heart, my dear friends I have met along the way.

May your year be blessed, and may you hear your heart speak, leading you in the best way to your own bliss and growth.

Love always,

‎דבורה ליאורה

1 comment:

  1. oh Debs you are so beautiful sweet gem of brightness. So happy to be a part of your journey. Happy to know you. And glad you are sharing with us here. :)
